Effect Communications
1836 Blake Street, Suite 201
Denver, CO 80202

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Get Media Lists

The best way is to ask for a list from an allied group or PR firm.

If this is not possible, go to the reference section of your library and look at Bacon's Media Directories, Burrelle's Media Directory or the Media Yellow Pages. Bacon's is the best. Supplement what you find with information from the Yellow Pages of your local phone book. Look under "news." Also, your area might have an association of nonprofit groups, like the Colorado Association of Nonprofit Organizations. Associations of this type may maintain media lists or know where you can buy a cheap local list.

Free, online directories lack the detailed information you probably need. But you can try www.congress.org. Lesser online sources include: www.cjr.org, www.newslink.org, and www.newsdirectory.com.

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